Those were the old days when global Fx companies like ours didn’t exist. Today, if money is your only problem in Fx, you have no problem.
Fx pros will tell you that to make $10,000/month consistently, and not risk getting blown out, you need about $100,000 in your account. As the global leader in Fx services, we are one of the few companies that can provide you with the trading funds you want. And with no limits or expensive training courses required, no monthly recurring fees, and no matching funds or liability for losses.
You can start trading with our funds, reduce your risk, trade better, increase your earnings and protect your nest egg. Modern Fx traders are moving in this direction.
If you can trade Fx, we’ll fund you…no limits. We share profits with you and you are not responsible for losses. Talk to Us….We’re the global leader in services to the Fx industry including funding, education, world class automation tools, virtual trading rooms, and personal coaching…..offices in Chicago and London.
To learn more about our funding programs:
Jeff Wecker Former Member CBOT CEO Fx Global Trading Group Offices in Chicago and London…